Saturday, April 3, 2021

Shady's Hell

The world was a vast, dark cloudscape, deep purple thunderheads lit by distant flashes of lightning. Were one to travel into those clouds, they would simply be lost in them until they turned around, and came back out into the airy void in the center. But almost no one who came here had a chance to travel around. In fact, they could barely even move. The Demoness who forged this little realm made it for one very distinct purpose: the sexual torment of her human playthings.
Over a million miles worth of golden chains stretched across the dark space between the clouds, forming a vast net in which the Demoness’s lovers were caught. Attached to each link of chain was the limb of her human subjects; all were bound together, tightly spread-eagle, about a hundred feet apart, forming a great chain link plane, with the people forming the links.

Friday, April 2, 2021

A Crimson Gaze

A mystic embrace. A cosmic kiss. Light and thunder and creation. And by the will of two goddesses, a third was born.
Cyl and Whitney watched as their duplicates fused in a roil of wild energy that threatened to shake the latter’s entire mansion. But before the first tremors could truly start, the well of divine power contracted into itself, reforming and solidifying into the form of a naked young woman.
She was a blend of the two Omnymphotents’ features. Her skin was pale, her hair a platinum blond, hanging just a bit past her shoulders. She was slim, but fit, a bit shorter than either woman, but a fully developed young adult. She kept her eyes closed as her form finished coalescing. She let out a long breath, as if trying to compose herself, but there was a clear tension in her stance.
Whitney stepped up to the girl first, the elegant blond putting a hand on the newly formed woman’s shoulder. “Are you alright?”
“Y-yes,” the girl said in a near-whisper. Her voice was quite cute. “S-sorry, I just need a moment.”
“Take your time,” said Whitney with a warm smile.

Thursday, April 1, 2021


Devi sipped her tea as she glanced from the canvas to the horizon, then back again. With a thought, she slowly dabbed and streaked the little globs of paint across the canvas, not bothering with brushes as she filled in her latest masterpiece. A beautiful sunset cast deep reds across tall mountains, casting the jungle below in a splash of velvet crimson.
She could, of course, have just instantly made the painting appear, but even an Omnymphotent liked to actually do things manually sometimes. And despite the reputation they had made for themselves, sex was not actually the only thing they thought about. Devi had an appreciation for classical art, landscapes and portraits done in oil paintings or watercolor, that most who knew her might find surprising.
She still cheated a bit when making her own; after all, as an Omny, she had perfect skill in anything she tried. But that was the thing about art, wasn’t it? Technical skill at the craft was one thing. Being able to convey the emotion of a scene, to put one’s personal mark on it, that was another. Being the greatest artist in the universe didn’t mean much if you just soullessly replicated what you saw like a camera.