Tuesday, July 27, 2021


As she hovered in the Planar Void, the recently Ascended Kat pondered what world she should make. The memories of multiple lives tickled at her subconscious, tempting her with a number of possibilities. Should she make a simple little town in a bubble, like some of her new colleagues? Should she construct a whole planet? If the latter, what sort of world would be best? Much of her fictional canons took place on worlds full of superheroes and supernatural forces. It might be nostalgic to create a similar such reality.
Except, of course, it wouldn’t really be right of her to inflict a life of danger on the people of such a world, even if they were all living figments of her imagination. But she also wasn’t sure making a little paradise of fluffy kittens and rainbows was really her thing, either.
Ooooh, this was so frustrating! Worldbuilding was a lot harder when you had to actually live with the worlds you built, not just keep them as hazy notions in your head!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Checking In


Author's Note: While Cyl is absent, Wyllow and Demi decide to do a wellness check on Salamando, who's been largely drifting aimlessly about the Omnyverse. Thinking he's spending too much time brooding, they decide to be a couple of Manic Pixie Dream Girls and intrude on his grumpy time to drag him off on a grand DnD-esque adventure!

I like this intro sequence, so I thought I'd share it, but it's been sitting on my hard drive for a while now, and at this point, it's clear I'm not getting this done in comic form.

In part because I don't know what the adventure would actually be, and trying to do a full-scale adventure comic in Koi would be a huge pain in the ass and take forever.

In part, too, the whole "Omnys go and pester their author" bit is already feeling overdone and cringe at this point. At this point, Salamando the Avatar has had more appearances than some of the Omnys themselves, even if its just in cameo parts. I didn't think Sal was going to keep showing up, but it kind of just keeps happening as I continue to work through the meta-fictional themes of the series.

There's a chance I'll get around to writing a Demi/Wyllow high-fantasy adventure of some form eventually. Whether it'll be their quest with Sal (which was referenced in the stories, though not elaborated on), whether it'll factor into one of Didsy's adventures, or if it'll just be the two Mingles on their own, we'll just have to see what pops out of my brain when the time comes.