Sunday, May 21, 2023

Origin Factor

The quiet town of Hush Mountain had seen a lull in activity the past few weeks. Hardly any travelers had passed through, much less stayed for a visit. Other than that lost, bedraggled couple who’d supposedly escaped from Immernacht, Gwendy hadn’t seen a non-Native soul in a while, and she was beginning to get a bit antsy! All the locals had cleared out from breakfast, and Steve was taking a smoke break out back, leaving Gwendy to just wipe down the counters and recheck the condiment containers.
So when an absolutely adorable young woman stepped into her diner, the sexy waitress was all smiles. Finally, a guest! She eyed the newcomer hungrily, a little more blatantly than she usually did. The newcomer was dark skinned, but with natural blond hair, sporting a lime-green dress with white trim. There was also something about her that gave Gwendy pause. Usually, the waitress was the one bewitching visitors with her friendly, sensual charm, but the more she looked at the newcomer, the more she felt a little stunned, herself!
The newcomer smiled sweetly and winked at her. “Don’t worry, cutie, I’m not here to cause trouble! I’d just like to have a little chat with your boss!”